St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre is completely committed at this time to the safety of our residents, patients, staff and the community. As you are aware, the Medical Officer of Health has recommended that only residents and patients who are
Summary of the March 2020 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 03 March 2020. ADMINISTRATION REPORT Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included Bed Rail Reduction Program Update (currently, 80% of St. Joseph’s Villa is complete), Long-Term Care
Summary of the February 2020 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 04 February 2020. ADMINISTRATION REPORT Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included Bed Rail Reduction Program Update (currently, 50 percent of St. Joseph’s Villa is complete), Long-Term
Summary of the January 2020 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 07 January 2020. ADMINISTRATION REPORT Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included Bed Rail Reduction Program Update, Mission Statement (the current mission statement remains the same), Vision
Summary of the December 2019 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 03 December 2019. ADMINISTRATION REPORT – Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included SJCCC’s Evacuation Exercise (in Long-Term Care (LTC) on Kane House completed in 3 and
Summary of the November 2019 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 12 November 2019. MOTIONS OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD 01 OCTOBER 2019 TO BE RATIFIED – All motions of the regular Board of Directors meeting
Summary of the October 2019 Board of Directors Meeting
Please Note: The Board of Directors did not have quorum during the meeting of the Board of Directors held 01 October 2019. All motions to be ratified at the next Board of Directors meeting held 12 November 2019. REPORT FROM
Summary of the September 2019 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 03 September 2019. WELCOME Mr. Desnoyers welcomed back Sister Cuddihy to the Board of Directors. CORPORATE LIAISON’S REPORT The Catholic Health Alliance of Canada
Summary of the June 2019 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 25 June 2019. CORRESPONDENCE – The Board of Directors noted the following cards of appreciation: -Thank You Card from Sister Annette Valade re Bouquet
Summary of the May 2019 Board of Directors Meetings (Regular and Annual)
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 15 May 2019. The Annual Meeting of the Board was held immediately prior to the regular meeting. SPECIAL PRESENTATION – RETIREMENT SISTER VALADE AND