Congratulations to Sharon Froats (Registered Practical Nurse, Long-Term Care), recipient of the Sister Rosalia Cobey Award for 2019; and to Michelle Dufresne (Resident Care Aide, Long-Term Care), the runner-up! Father Dumoulin and Gizanne Lafrance-Allaire presented the awards to Sharon and Michelle
Summary of the April 2019 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 02 April 2019. CORRESPONDENCE Letters of Resignation – The Board of Directors accepted with regret the resignations of Ms. Brenda Petersen and Ms. Juliette
Summary of the March 2019 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 05 March 2019. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT Catholic Health Association of Ontario (CHAO) – Mr. Desnoyers and Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire attended a meeting at the CHAO at which
Summary of the February 2019 Board of Directors Meeting (held 29 January 2019)
REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors for February was held on 29 January 2019. ADMINISTRATION REPORT – Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included: Hotel Dieu Outreach Programme (10-week Pilot Project to follow patients post-discharge
Summary of the 08 January 2019 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 08 January 2019. ADMINISTRATION REPORT – Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included: Electronic Orders (will launch in January and February, starting with training), Good News (Mr. Lapierre,
Summary of the December 2018 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 04 December 2018. MEMBERSHIP RESPONSE RE APPPOINTMENT Mr. Bradley Robertson has been appointed by the Members of the Corporation to the Board of Directors
Summary of the November 2018 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 06 November 2018. Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire offered the opening prayer, with special recognition of Jérôme le Royer de la Dauversière, founder of the Religious Hospitallers
Summary of the October 2018 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 02 October 2018. ADMINISTRATION REPORT — Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included Butterfly Care Model (progress continues; tours for Board Members will be provided), Alliance of
Movie Screening: “The Last Breath” on November 1, 2018
Summary of the June 2018 Board of Directors Meeting
REPORT FROM THE BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 26 June 2018. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Report from Catholic Health Alliance of Canada Annual Convention (CHAC) – Dr. Grant circulated a summary of