On April 17 and 18, 2018, St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre underwent the accreditation survey process with CARF International. Surveyors Lynne Anne Gallaway and Wendy Harris met with staff and stakeholders, and reviewed and observed our processes and documentation in accordance with the CARF Person-centred Long-Term Care Community Standards. In their exit interview, the surveyors commended our Centre’s dedication and commitment to improving the quality of the lives of the persons we serve.
We received the good news today that we have achieved a full three-year accreditation! In a letter dated June 11th, the Centre for Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) President, Brian Boon, states, “Services, personnel and documentation clearly indicate an established pattern of conformance to standards. Your organization should take pride in achieving this high level of accreditation.”
Thank you to all staff members, physicians, volunteers, Board Members, residents, family members and our community partners for taking part in this valuable quality improvement process! The Leadership Team will now delve into the few recommendations to make the suggested improvements.
Gizanne Lafrance-Allaire
Executive Director