St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre operates 150 Long-Term Care beds and 58 Complex Continuing Care beds.

Long-Term Care
Long-Term Care services are designed for people who require the availability of 24-hour nursing care and supervision within a secure setting. In general, long-term care homes offer higher levels of personal care and support than those typically offered by either retirement homes or supportive housing.

If you are looking for:

  • 24-hour availability of nursing care and high levels of personal care
  • A setting that can accommodate varying health needs with on-site supervision for your personal safety
  • Government-funded nursing and personal care
  • Possibility of subsidized accommodations

but do not require 24-hour hospital care, then you should consider long-term care.

Complex Continuing Care
Complex Continuing Care is a higher level of care than what is typically provided under long-term care. Generally, patients require 24-hour nursing care and access to complex medical and diagnostic services not offered elsewhere. Patients may have physical, cognitive or behavioural conditions that limit their ability to live independently in the community.

Click on the following links to learn more about both care options: